Joined: 2 months ago
Decks: 18
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{"ops":[{"insert":"He/Him\n\nFav non-\"legendary creature\" cards to put in Commander decks:\n\nIn general:\n* Health Lands\n* Mazemind Tome\n* Ravenous Amulet\n* Diamond Mare (if Mono-Color)\n* Hedron Archive\n* Equipment Weapons\n* Leylines\n* \"Fears\" / Nightmares\n* Progression Cards (meaning Talents, Classes, Sagas, Cases, Invasions, Battles, etc. ... even Dungeons!)\n* Dual Cards (Split Spells, Rooms, Adventures)\n* Cards with \"Final\" in the title\n\nWhite:\n* Angel Creature Type\n* Cleric Creature Type\n* Ethereal Armor\n* Crusader of Odric\n\nBlack:\n* Vampire Creature Type\n* Warlock Creature Type\n* Sinister Monolith\n* Vampire Nighthawk\n* Agate-Blade Assassin\n* Archpriest of Shadows\n\nBlue:\n* Merfolk Creature Type\n* Sphinx Creature Type\n* Enter the Enigma\n* Curse of the Bloody Tome\n* Founding the Third Path\n\nRed:\n* Phoenix Creature Type\n* Coming in Hot\n\nGreen:\n* Plant Creature Type\n* Topiary Panther\n* Gatecreeper Vine\n\nWhat i love but hold back from putting in every deck i build:\n* Karn's Sylex\n\nWhat i dislike and try not to put in my Commander decks:\n* Sneaky Combos (that's why i love Progression Cards, they are plain to see)\n* Endless Loop Combos (in Programming that's considered a flaw >:P )\n\nDecks i dream of building but don't have the cards for yet:\n* Green Plant Tribal, with the idea of regrowing them\n* Multi Color Dragon Tribal, with the idea of them blinking in between massive waves of destruction\n* Mechanics, Blacksmiths and Mechas, with the idea of the machine creatures \"hacking\" the opponent's deck\n* Rule 0 Companion Deck, with the idea of being another Pokémon style \"Monster Trainer\" deck\n"}]}