Joined: 5 months ago
Decks: 32
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{"ops":[{"insert":"On a journey of self-expression and outward love to a game of complexity, social contracts, and nearly infinite possibilities, welcome to my journal as expressed through the game of Magic the Gathering. Influenced by a myriad other factors, you can find the rest of my journal at \n\nI've been playing Magic the Gathering since M10 release, but didn't make it a regular part of my life until our first adventures through Theros. Since then, Commander has become my primary mode of play, and working alongside brilliant deck builders in my home pod, we've adventured clear through the power arms race and settled comfortably into the world of building for theme and variety. \n\nBeginning in October 2024, I've started on a journey of creating a Magic the Gathering Commander deck collection that does not repeat color identity, plane, or theme. Whether or not all of these decks see play with the home pod or at the LGS, I'm excited to journal that adventure here. \n"}]}

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