Joined: 9 months ago
Decks: 62
Comments: 1
Followers: 1
Loyalty: 7
{"ops":[{"insert":"I make jank. Janky, messy pieces of "},{"attributes":{"strike":true},"insert":"shit"},{"insert":" FUN!\n\nSometimes I make something actually good, even though I never intend to. If you want my actually functioning, nay, borderline good decks, check out my \"Working Decks\" folder; if you want cheap and somewhat functional decks, check out my \"semi-budget deckbuilding\" folder; if you want absolute theorycrafted garbage, check out the \"untested decks\" folder.\n\nMy favourite commander is "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion"}},{"insert":" and my favourite card is "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Massacre Wurm"}},{"insert":". \n"}]}