Joined: 19 months ago
Decks: 8
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi, I'm trett (he/him)!\n\nI've been playing Magic: The Gathering for four years, mostly with my group of friends who introduced me to the game. I consider myself a blue player, although I like all colors, and my favorite color combinations are Izzet and Azorius.\n\nAs far as constructed play goes, I play EDH on paper and Standard on Arena. I'm also a huge fan of limited, and draft in particular, but here you'll only find my Commander brews. Although I've been playing for more, I've only started with deckbuilding a couple of years ago and I think I'm improving relatively quickly.\n\nIn my builds, I usually try to keep myself near the 100 € mark. I like to start with a solid yet affordable mana base, usually 38 lands with a good mix of dual, fetch and utility lands. I then move on to ramp pieces, of which I like to include some number near 8. I'm a huge advocate of using more interaction as I believe it makes games more dynamic, so I always make sure to include at least 5 boardwipes and a good suite of single target removal spells, in a number varying depending on the colors I'm working with. After all of this is done, I include my sinergy pieces, trying to adjust the mana curve properly and always with the game plan in mind. When the deck is finished I write a description so that others know where to start if they wish to play one of my brews.\n\nThis was all you needed to know about me and my style, I hope you'll find something inspiring and fun to play down there. Enjoy :D\n"}]}