Joined: 5 months ago
Decks: 8
Comments: 0
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{"ops":[{"insert":"I have been playing Magic for almost ten years, a friend introduced me to it in high school and I have been playing off an on since. \nLocust God was my first ever deck and it has come a long way since it's first iteration. The first building of the deck was only because I got a borderless foil Grim Tutor, and the guy I traded it to said I could take any cards needed to build my deck.\nI have lots of other usual hobbies like 40k, Starfinder/Pathfinder, and video games. \nHowever I also have some strange hobbies such as medieval reenactment. I am a proud member of the SCA and am honored to be the squire of Sir Philip of Aston Hall. \nIf you have any questions about my decks, or anything else, feel free to leave comments and I am happy to answer!\n"}]}