Joined: 10 months ago
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Casual Pleb. TIMMY playstyle.\n\nNot a fan of board wipes...People don't like STAX, but they are all about that: \"does anyone else want to reset the game 5 times the next 3 hours?\"...A board wipe should either be beneficial to you via some mechanic, and/or be a sort of 'one sided' wipe, either via tribal wipes, power requirements, Type wipes,,,etc. A global wipe that harms you equally, is just resetting the game for no reason other than \"you're too fast\". If you're going to destroy lands, you better have alternative mana sources where its essentially a one sided wipe. IE: don't reset the game with a wipe,,,a wipe should win you the game, via some mechanic that you earned.\nMaybe thats a casual player take, as my tables power level doesn't warrant continuous board wipes to keep players from 2-3 card winning. Just let them win and restart the game...its almost the same thing.\n\n"}]}