Joined: 21 months ago
Decks: 11
Comments: 0
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{"ops":[{"insert":"If sanity is relative to the society and its views, then, perhaps, in this world that we live, it is better to be insane.\nI enjoy building and playing decks that run a lot of fun combos. I find it better to play the game well and enjoy it than to simply win in an unfun way.\nIf you're looking at my bio, I recommend checking out my Slicer EDH decklist. It's a higher power level, but is one I am quite proud of- even if it is a little straightforward. Also, if you are looking at my bio, I'm quite surprised- what led you here?\nBest cards of all time are "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Festival Crasher"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Teferi's Puzzle Box"}},{"insert":" . No, I will not be taking any questions on the matter.\n"}]}