Joined: 43 days ago
Decks: 8
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Loyalty: 1
{"ops":[{"insert":"Greetings, fellow adventurers!\nI am a summoner of creatures and crafter of themed decks, inspired by the wilds of the "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"Bloomburrow"},{"insert":" set. My journey has led me to forge eight distinct Standard decks, each devoted to a unique creature type: Bats, Frogs, Mice, Squirrels, Otters, Lizards, Rats, and Rabbits.\n\nEvery deck brings its own battle tactics—poison and reanimation, token swarms, relentless card draw engines, and more. My quest is to balance power with flavor, crafting decks that are as formidable as they are true to their creaturely natures. I welcome any guidance or wisdom from fellow travelers on how to enhance these creations with new synergies or powerful additions.\n\nTogether, let’s bring these creatures to life and conquer the battlefield!\n"}]}