Joined: 2 years ago
Decks: 228
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{"ops":[{"insert":"new commander, mono red\nmountain per turn, you’re already dead\nhand kept, turn two wheeled\nmirrors shattered, packs unsealed\nbreaching bolts, burning bright\nwill of flame, friday night\nsavant of scrap, paths trinity\nloot of faith, hand of unfinity\nbandit messiah, helm of war\nshivan bloodlust, red deck roar\nduplicate goblins, swarm and burn\ntap out and swing, two second turn\nbulk commons, bargain bins\nmana curve, red deck wins\nmatching moon, blood and flame\nblazing impulse, feel no shame\nwhy strategize, why use your head\nwhy play boring decks when you could play mono red\n"}]}