Joined: 2 years ago
Decks: 14
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi I'm BalloonDuelist. I am a deck creator that focuses on streamlining decks on a budget. What I mean when I say streamlining decks is that I build decks in a way that the deck will have a consistent game plan for the first few turns of the game. The deck I am most known for doing this with is my "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Francisco, Fowl Marauder"}},{"insert":" & "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator"}},{"insert":" deck. this deck looks to have a consistent 3 to 4 turn set up playing a 1 mana Pirate on turn 1, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Francisco, Fowl Marauder"}},{"insert":" on turn 2, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator"}},{"insert":" on turn 3, and a draw engine on turn 4.\n"}]}