Joined: 2 months ago
Decks: 5
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{"ops":[{"insert":"I am always looking for new ways to get people into the game of Magic! one of the ways I have found to do this is by making a new game mode I like to call \"Micro-Decks.\" In Micro-Decks each deck consists of 30 cards: 10 creatures with no more than 2 of the same, 4 instants, 4 sorceries, and 12 basic lands. What I love about this game mode is it has quick games usually 15-30 minutes (because life totals are set at 15), to build a deck is relatively cheap, (usually a built deck comes out to be less than 25 bucks!) and the best part is it tends to be less overwhelming to new players! If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this game mode better or more fun I would love some help. I have built 4 relatively easy Micro-decks they are in my profile if you want to take a look.\n"}]}