Joined: 12 months ago
Decks: 14
Comments: 5
Followers: 2
Loyalty: 4
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello!\nI started on Magic on November 2015.\nI can only remember I suddenly fell a call for this game. \nNever new nothing much about it or played it before but I convinced some friends and we got some precons and my life changed! Been playing ever since, with ups and downs like everybody, but I know I will always love it.\n\nFor the last 3 years I been playing commander and omg I love it!\nI think commander is where Magic dreams come true. I ussualy preffer flavor over power when constructing a deck but obviously i would try to make it as powerfull as i can within my own rules.\n\nI also love prerrelease events and sealed, maybe one day I' ll dip into draft but is a bit intimidating.\n\nI hope my decks tell good stories and I would love to hear your feedback.\n\nSee you out there \n"}]}