Joined: 16 months ago
Decks: 23
Comments: 1
Followers: 2
Loyalty: 1
{"ops":[{"insert":"I am a Dutch player stationed in Veldhoven. \nAround Rivals of Ixalan is when I started playing. \nFeeling the power of cheating in dino´s with Gishath and the might in numbers of Kumena, was what triggered me to building more decks. \n\nBut I tend to keep the number of decks around 10, easy to carry to events or friends.\nMy decks form in my head and are sculpted with some help of friends.\n\nTotentanz, is my pet deck. Due to the admiration I feel for small critters like rats. \nInherited years ago, when I kept two tame rats with my former partner as pets.\n\nI do not fear recommendation´s or remarks, so feel free to comment.\n\nMost of the time I play 1v1 with my girlfriend. \nBut regularly friends come over to play. \nCards I don´t play are often sold on Cardmarket: WW-niisan.\n"}]}
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