Joined: 5 years ago
Decks: 2
Comments: 0
Followers: 0
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Hiya all, and welcome to my profile. I am an avid MTG player in Belleville, Ontario, Canada (for any other Bellevillians in the T/O community) , though I have dabbled in other TCG's over the years (Yu Gi OH, Legend of the Five Rings). I Started during Mirage with a 5c Starter Deck, amassed a fair collection of 16 different decks and then quit for an extended period of time (around Mercedian Masques). I then got back into it a bit just before Khans release, and ever since have been attending any local events I can make it to. I started back with Standard, but now I am equiped for Standard, Modern, EDH and have a FRF draft cube.\nI trade IRL mostly, used to do a lot of online trading on here and Pucatrade. Now I have to log my entire collection... yay...\nTo finish up, I'm always brewing something. I see a card and try to build around it just because... I am also on a quest to make a Viable $20 MTG deck to go 1st in a Modern FNM against the $700-1000 decks, just to say I did it. So if anyone ever wants some deck help, feel free to ask and I will do my best to help out (just don't ask me what to take out).\nWell, thanks for reading. Feel free to browse my decks. I can also be found on under the same name.\n"}]}