Joined: 2 years ago
Decks: 68
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{"ops":[{"insert":"\n\tHello fellow Planeswalkers! I'm Miyden656, a dog-loving, car-tinkering enthusiast who found my way back into the magical realms of MTG in 2022. Commander is where I've spent the majority of my time, reveling in the epic battles and intricate strategies. Lately, I've been dipping my toes into the world of Pauper, seeking new challenges and fresh perspectives. While the Ur-Dragon may hold sway over many, my heart beats to the rhythm of Tiamat's wings—fast, fierce, and ready to conquer. Swarming the board and storming off with explosive plays define my gameplay, though I'm not averse to adapting my strategies to match my opponents, ensuring every duel is a thrilling adventure. Variety is the spice of life, and I relish the opportunity to explore the diverse landscapes of Magic with decks that range from casual to the occasional cEDH powerhouse.\n\tAt the heart of my collection lies a singular gem: Omniscience. Its power to shape the battlefield and unlock the mysteries of the multiverse never fails to inspire awe and wonder. As I continue my journey, I aspire to craft decks that embody a spectrum of power levels, from 1 to 10, offering a balanced and dynamic experience for myself and my fellow mages. Join me as we traverse the planes, forging new alliances, unraveling ancient mysteries, and embracing the boundless possibilities that Magic has to offer. Together, let's weave stories of triumph and camaraderie that will echo across the ages.\n\n\n\n\n"}]}

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