Joined: 6 months ago
Decks: 9
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{"ops":[{"insert":"21+\nDaddy/Father/Papa/Senpai/Sensei\nHikikomori ひきこもり\n\n“To Weeb, or not to Weeb? That is the question.” ~JlynTheWeeb\n\nObsessed with women that don't exist.\n\nI also rap.\n\n\"Decks are a lot like children, you invest into them over time so they can be the best they can be. It takes time for a child to tap into the potential that lays dormant within. If you can't approach CCG's (Collectable Card Games) this way, you have no place within them. Core cards will always be expensive. Just like you would when a child faces a problem, you show them more than one way to solve it. This way, they can be creative with their solutions, allowing for outside-the-box thinking. Much like you taught the child in this analogy, substitution will also be your best friend when building decks. It will bring the best, most creative and ingenious side of ourselves out. Embrace the unorthodox until, eventually, you can obtain what you once could do without. At that point, you might not even need it anymore.\" ~JlynTheWeeb\n"}]}