Joined: 3 years ago
Decks: 59
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Followers: 1
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{"ops":[{"insert":"Commander was my first foray into Magic the Gathering. A \"friend\" got me hooked way back in Theros block, and my wallet has never recovered. Early in my career, another \"friend\" taught me the \"value\" of permission, so I became an incorrigible Gruul player to show them the \"value\" of running them over first. I currently have a secret love affair going with Mardu, but don't tell my Omnath deck, he tends to become an angry jellybean. If you're ever inspired by something I've brewed, double check, because I've probably just copied and pasted it from somewhere else, and hopefully credited the creator. But if it's truly mine and you like it, say hi and let me know! Thanks!\n"}]}