Joined: 22 months ago
Decks: 51
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{"ops":[{"insert":"\n\nMTG Commanders \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n0) Color (Color symbol) - Commander Name - Deck Name (Theme and or Tribal)\n\n* Listed ; \n** Complete\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n1) White (W) - Giada, Font of Hope - Com Banjo (Angel Tribal) (Meld)\n\n2) Blue (U) - Talrand, Sky Summoner - Nope (Counterspells)**\n\n3) Black (B) - Tergrid, God of Fright - Reciclagem (Discard)**\n\n4) Red (R) - Krark, the Tumbless - Churrasquinho (Burn)\n\n5) Green (G) - Surrak and Goreclaw - Passar a Boiada (Primal Surge)**\n\n6) Colorless (C) - Karn, Legacy Reforged - Maquinário Pesado (Artifacts)\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n7) Azorius (WU) - The Council of Four - O Conselho de Quatro (Cantrips)\n\n8) Boros (RW) - Akiri, Fearless Voyager - Armas Brancas (Equipments)\n\n9) Dimir (UB) - The Cyber-Controller - O Homem dos Olhos de Raio X (MIll) (Tezzeret)\n\n10) Golgari (BG) - Gyome, Master Chef - Paola, Foggaza e Jacquin (Food) \n\n11) Grull (RG) - Etali, Primal Conqueror - Colheita Maldita (Ramp)\n\n12) Izzet (UR) - The Ninth Doctor // K-9, Mark I - Melhor Amigo do Homem (Spellslinger) (Partner)\n\n13) Orzhov (WB) - Karlov of the Ghost Council - Fantasminha Camarada (Lifegain)\n\n14) Rakdos (RB) - Mishra, Claimed by Gix - Abel (Tokens) (Meld) \n\n15) Selesnya (GW) - Karametra, God of Harvests - Desmatamento (Landfall) (Meld) \n\n16) Simic (UG) - Hakbal of the Surging Soul - Sneak Attack (Merfolk Tribal) \n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n17) Abzan (WBG) - Thalia and The Gitrog Monster - Vamos Cair Atirando (Aristocrats)\n\n18) Bant (GWU) - Derevi, Empyrial Tactician - Pegue o Pombo (Flying Tribal) \n\n19) Esper (WUB) - Urza, Chief Artificer - Caim (Constructs) (Meld)**\n\n20) Grixis (UBR) - Nicol Bolas, The Ravager - Mourinho, The Special One (Control) (Nicol Bolas)**\n\n21) Jeskai (URW) - Narset, Enlightened Exile - 20 de Destreza (Prowess)\n\n22) Jund (RBG) - Slimefoot and Squee - The Last of Us (Saproling Tribal) \n\n23) Mardu (WBR) - Kaalia of the Vast - Porrada, Porrada (Extra Combat)**\n\n24) Naya (RGW) - Huatli, Poet of Unity - Jurassic Park (Dinosaur Tribal)\n\n25) Sultai (BGU) - Muldrotha, the Gravetide - Coveiro (Graveyard)\n\n26) Temur (RGU) - Magus Lucea Kane - Tropas Estelares (Tyranid Tribal)\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n27) Artifice (WUBR) - Breya, Etherium Shaper - Bugigangas (Affinity) (Metalcraft)\n\n28) Chaos (UBRG) - Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder - Caos (Chaos) (Cascade)\n\n29) Aggression (BRGW) - Saskia the Unyielding - Errar é Humano (Human Tribal)\n\n30) Altruism (RGWU) - Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis - Aquele Abraço (Group Hug)\n\n31) Growth (GWUB) - Atraxa, Praetors' Voice - Liga da Justiça (Superfriends)\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n32) 5 Colors (WUBRG) - Golos, Tireless Pilgrim - Literalmente Roubando (Big Mana)\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n10 Questions:\n\n1) Favorite Color: Blue (U)\nIt has counterspells, drawing cards and evasive creatures.\n\n2) Favorite Dual Color: Dimir (UB)\nMy two favorite colors, they have removal and counterspells.\n\n3) Favorite Tri-color: Grixis (UBR)\nKill, Counter and Burn, exactly what i needed.\n\n4) Favorite Card Type: Artifacts (Equipments)\nI started playing on Mirrodin, my first deck was a equipment deck.\n\n5) Favorite Format: Cube Draft\nI enjoy creating decks. Cube allows you to create different strategies that in limited \nare not suported.\n\n6) Favorite Set: Mirrodin\nI really like playing with artifacts, equipments and artifact lands.\n\n7) Year you started playing: 2003\nI've been on and off it for sometime, in the past year or so my friends and I have played a lot more than usual.\n\n8) How didi you come across mtg: School\nOlder students would play and i would watch. Eventually started playing.\n\n9) Favorite Aspect of mtg: Friends\nGetting togheter with my friends to play Commander or Draft.\n\n10) Favorite Cards: Loxodon Warhammer, Solemn Simulacrum and Chromatic Lantern\nFlexible and strong artifacts, can be used in almost any deck.\n\n"}]}
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