Joined: 10 months ago
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{"ops":[{"insert":"My MtG journey began in summer 2001 when i was 12 years old after seeing Magic the Gathering commercials on TV. \nIt was the one where Rhox smashes through the glass. That one stuck with me the most.\nI have never heard of a Trading Card Game up until that point and i didn´t know what this was all about. But only a few weeks later during summer break i saw the Starter Kit in my local toy store and i bought it with my sparse pocket money that I had and I was hooked immediatly. \n\nIt was not easy to convince my friends to play too and our ongoing discussions about the rules, due to lack of knowledge, did not make things easier especially since the internet was DEFINETLY not what it is today, as some of you might remember.\nWe do still play to this day if we have time to meet each other because of life.\n\nI do not think i am a great player but i love the game and i do have fun putting stuff together and try my creations against my friends or ppl at the closest game store.\n\nSo feel free to check my decks and please tell me if you like my brews or what you would change\n\nThank you for reading my little story\n"}]}

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