BUG: Hybrid mana legality in commander

kipawaa avatarkipawaa 50 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"Creating a blue/white commander deck (https://archidekt.com/decks/5346485/horny_bois, Faramir, Prince of Ithilien) I added a Basilica Guards (white, with a hybrid mana white/black extort ability). I played this card and was told that hybrid mana counts as both of the hybrid colors (confirmed by a judge on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/mtgrules/comments/azer49/hybrid_mana_and_identity_in_commander/). Archidekt lists this as legal\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 49 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"You are correct in that hybrid mana from casting costs and abilities counts as both colors for color ID. However, extort's hybrid mana symbol is part of its reminder text (the part in parentheses and italics) so it does *not* contribute to a card's color ID either way. Basilica Guards can be played in any commander deck with white in its ID, regardless of whether or not it has black.\n\nCompare this to a card like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Alesha, Who Smiles at Death"}},{"insert":". She can only be played in WBR decks (or lead them herself) because the W/B hybrid mana symbol in her text box is part of an ability, not reminder text. \n\nFor what it's worth, extort is the only ability (to the best of my knowledge) that has mana symbols like that in its reminder text. If you can just remember that extort is weird, then it's safe to otherwise always count mana symbols in cards' text boxes toward their color ID.\n\nI hope that explanation is helpful!\n"}]}
Edited 3/17/2024, 1:51:04 PM