Deck Help And Thoughts

SlothKing998 avatarSlothKing998 8 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Made for casual modern\n"}]}
puppy528 avatarpuppy528 7 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'll be honest; I don't see what use the Ozolith actually serves in your Ozolith deck. You have one creature that has a pretty useful amount of counters, one creature that may sometimes get a counter, and that's it.. The Bastion is interesting, but needs things to already have counters on them to get started. You'd be better served just cutting the Ozoliths altogether, and adding in some sort of removal or card draw, which will let you cut the Stonecoil Serpents for even more knights, such as Blacklance Paragon. If you did want to go the Ozolith/Knight route, I would suggest Bloodcrazed Paladin and Diamond Knight (and if you have the $$, Walking Ballista, tho admittedly, it's not a knight).\n"}]}