[Bug] Deleting cards from My Collection

xancalitax avatarxancalitax 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Deleting a card from the My Collection page produces a \"Network Error - Load Failed\" message. The \"Are you sure\" dialog does not close, but the card is in fact deleted if you refresh the page.\n"}]}
Edited 3/18/2023, 9:15:09 PM
Jeremy avatarJeremy 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"We're having trouble reproducing this one. If you try doing so in another browser, in incognito mode, or on another device, does it give you the same behavior? \n"}]}
xancalitax avatarxancalitax 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"It seems to work in Brave, but it fails in Safari.\n"}]}
Fyrwulf avatarFyrwulf 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have had this issue today on a Galaxy S21 Ultra using Chrome. I have a screenshot, but it seems the forum does not like Imgur links. \n"}]}
Edited 4/1/2023, 4:55:53 AM
lavz24 avatarlavz24 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I've the same issue, In my case, it delete the collection but when I refresh or click load more result the whole collection comes back. I'm using Chrome\n"}]}