Collection question about duplicate cards.

{"ops":[{"insert":"So I couldn't find anything about this in the forum. My question is, is there a way to filter the collection view to display rows that are duplicates of each other? Or just merge them? For example I found that in the collection view I have two rows for the Midnight Hunt Commander version of Arcane Signet. both rows are the same (same set, same finish, condition, etc). And if that has duplicates from when I imported my collection from deckbox, I'm sure others do as well.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"There is not. \n\nI've thought about how to add something like this, but the only way i know how to do it is incredibly slow. It'd be so slow that it would potentially slow down the site for other users. \n\nIf i can come up with a way to do it that doesn't slow down the site for others, I'll add it. \n"}]}