Flavor text search does not work

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi the flavor text search function doesn’t seem to work. Tried clearing/resetting all filters and typed in a single word like “weatherlight” that I know exists and it returns nothing (I checked this back to Gatherer and works there)\n\nSeparately, problems with site navigation, very slow server response time or just halts completely. Having to restart browser every time this happens. Is there a recommended browser to use? \n"}]}
Edited 4/28/2024, 9:02:18 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"As for the specific browser, not particularly. We primarily program using chrome, but really any browser should be fine. Response time shouldn't be related to browser anyway. I plan to spend the next few weeks diggijg into some of the slows downs though since I agree, it had been weird lately. \n\nAs for the flavor text thing, I agree! Something seems off there. I'll take a look tomorrow, thanks for the heads up!\n"}]}