Ads are broken, and make the site almost unusable

Flaze avatarFlaze 21 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"While I understand the need for ads, the ads on Archidekt are broken. The banners pop up in random areas around the screen with no way to move or close them. They hide parts of the screen, making those parts unclickable. I have to close down the window and open again in order to proceed at times. While I love the site, and have used it for years, I'm starting to research other sites. It's frustrating to need to reload the site several times during the course of one deck build.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Firstly, I'm sorry for the shitty behavior of the ads on the site. \n\nIt's never our intention for ads to cover any parts of the site, or for any content to be overtaken by ads. \n\nUnfortunately, our ads are placed by our ad provider. That is to say, we tell them where to put the ads on the page, but they place them themselves. From time to time, they get placed incorrectly, or bad ads get placed where they'll grow outside the bounds that they're supposed to. \n\nIf you wish to use other sites, feel free, I won't try to stop you. I understand how frustrating it can be just trying to use a site and have a fucking ad throw itself into your face. \n\nIt would be helpful however, if you could let us know where specifically (which page, and where on it) the ad was causing issues, and if you remember which ad it was. We can report that to our ad provider to attempt to get it removed from our rotation. \n\nAgain, we're sorry for the shitty behavior. I can assure you, we hate it as much as you do. Thanks for letting us know. \n"}]}
Ludologist avatarLudologist 19 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"It's on all pages. On Mobile your menu is on the bottom and most buttons as well. That's where all the adds are aswell. Some can't even be removed. It's just horrible design. It feels like herding people into a subscription. I'm done with this site too. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yeah, using this site in any capacity on mobile is terrible. The ads pop up randomly as you scroll. And I can't give you a \"specific\" area this happens because it happens nonstop when accessing any part of Archidekt on mobile. \n"}]}