Feature Voting

Jeremy avatarJeremy 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"\nHello brewers,"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nWe've recently added a new subforum called "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/features"},"insert":"Feature Voting"},{"insert":" to the site. Feature Voting contains a curated list of the features that have been suggested to us that we "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"could"},{"insert":" implement at some point. The purpose of the subforum is to gauge user interest in each so we can best prioritize our time in development.\n\nWe're not committing to any hard and fast rules, but generally speaking, the features that get more upvotes and supportive comments will be those that we give greater and more immediate consideration to. In an ideal world, we'd implement just about everything posted there, but the reality is that some of the features could take months to develop (collaborative deckbuilding, for instance). It's not that we won't do those things, we just need to know that it's a responsible use of our time before undertaking them. As such, we greatly appreciate any feedback you offer there. \n\nNotably, only members of the Archidekt Team can add new features to Feature Voting. So, as before, if there's something not already listed there that you'd love to see considered, please drop a new thread in our "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/forum/General/Development?page=1&orderBy=-updatedAt"},"insert":"Development subforum"},{"insert":". Clicking \"New Feature\" on Feature Voting will redirect you there as well, so no need to worry about posting to the wrong place. If it's something the Team views as a possibility, we'll then add it to Feature Voting. \n\nWe hope that including the community in this phase of the development process will help us build Archidekt into something greater. Thank you for your time!\n\nThe Archidekt Team\n"}]}
Edited 2/4/2022, 6:28:58 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"great! I love architect because I can simulate modern games with cards I don't have!. although I have had some issues with the play tester (on on phone)I think adding some community say is a great idea! keep up the good work and stay motivated, i really like this site and allot a lot of other say the same\n\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I agree.\n"}]}