{"ops":[{"insert":"Currently you can add tokens but you can't search for tokens from specific sets, for example filtering to Wilds of Eldraine and searching for `Bird` will not show you the bird token. It can however be found in quick search and then the set changed to TWOE to get the correct token, but it would be nice if the TWOE set was filterable in the card search.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I don't think I want to do that. Scryfall has a "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"lot "},{"insert":"of token sets. And whenever someone would go to filter the set via the dropdown, they'd end up needing to choose between the set (Wilds of Eldrane) and the token set (Wilds of Eldrane Tokens). This will end up confusing the heck out of people who don't know how scryfall separates card data. I wouldn't be surprised if I started getting reports of users thinking that there two of the same set. \n\nYou can however still use syntax search to find what you're looking for the same way you can use quick add. In this case\n\nset:twoe is:token bird"},{"attributes":{"blockquote":true},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nHope this helps. \n"}]}