View My Decks
{"ops":[{"insert":"Whenever I go into my account icon and go to 'My Decks' or go through 'View My Decks', it does not show me my decks. I have 3 pages worth of decks I've put together and they don't show up when I go to see them. the recent deck scroll wheel only cycles through so many decks and the home screen does not show all my decks, for obvious reasons. So any decks that I have yet to complete are rendered inaccessible. I've tried closing archidekt and re-opening it, and I've tried giving it a day or 2, but the problem persists.\n"}]}
![michael avatar](
(Alpha User)
3 months{"ops":[{"insert":"Best guess is that those decks are either unlisted or private and that your auth is doing something funny. \n\nTry logging out and back in and see if that resets your auth. If not, let me know and I can dig a bit deeper. \n"}]}
Edited 10/26/2024, 3:27:39 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"All of them are private but I am the author. They are quite literally 'My Decks'.\n"}]}