{"ops":[{"insert":"I don't know if I am just blind, but is there a way to add notes to cards in my deck lists? I think I saw something to that effect when playtesting but I can't find it in the deck builder. Thanks! \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"There's a few technical issues as to why this hasn't been added. The short of it is that I'd need to restructure how cards in decks are stored completely to support notes on cards without slowing down everything else. I'd like to do that someday, but it's a pretty dunting task given we'd be migrating all deck data (scary stuff) to do so. \n\nIf/when I do that, I'll add card notes. Until then, card notes is getting back burned.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"oh fair one, that makes sense. Classic case of simple in the user's head, but not that simple in reality. Than you."},{"insert":"\n"}]}