Color Tag Bug

{"ops":[{"insert":"Encountering a bug where no matter what browser im using or which device, I have one custom color tag that will save, and any others will not. I'll go through and add the custom color tag to cards and when I refresh they're all gone. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Color tags on decks are "},{"attributes":{"background":"#1f1f1f","color":"#eef0ff"},"insert":"ephemeral. What this means is that they only exist so long as they are on a card in the deck. If you want color tags to stick around permenently, use "},{"attributes":{"background":"#1f1f1f","color":"#eef0ff","link":""},"insert":"color tag templets"},{"attributes":{"background":"#1f1f1f","color":"#eef0ff"},"insert":". You can add them from account settings or in the color tag portion of the deck settings."},{"insert":"\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have the color tag templates set. only one of them sticks around. i put the other on a card on the deck, and then when i refresh it goes away. thats the issue \n"}]}