[Collection] Filtered Search Bulk Actions

jibbermaster avatarjibbermaster 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"When organizing my collection I would like the ability to:\n\nSelect All cards on the page in order to do bulk actions (Delete, change tags etc)"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Select All cards that match the current filter to do bulk actions (Delete, change tags etc)"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Export Selected Cards "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Export All cards that match a filter (not just whole collection)"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nThese would help when importing collections or reorganizing, because the only way it seems to bulk remove is to click each card first and that can be 1000s of clicks.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"The first two things you can already do. \n\nYou can multi select cards via control clicking the card, ctrl+a, or the extra options menu at the top of the collection page. \n\nWe dont have a way to export using selected cards or filters. Selected cards would be pretty easy to add (qnd I can look into it tomorrow). Exporting a filtered page would not be, and I'll have to give that one some thought.\n"}]}
jibbermaster avatarjibbermaster 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks, I should have tried CTRL+A lol. \n\nIt seems like the \"Select All\" in \"Extra Options\" is in an unintuitive spot, maybe should be part of the select box with the actions you can do with the select, but as long as it exists good enough for now.\n\nThe \"Select All cards that match the current filter to do bulk actions\" I would expect it to select past the 100 cards on the current page and find everything in the collection. I would be imagine that would have to work similar to Gmail's select all where it kicks off a background server side action that finds everything and updates (It wouldn't be easy to do the multi pagination selection client side.)\n"}]}