Deck Tag Request - Deck Archetypes

Thalioden avatarThalioden 2 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Such as: tribal; battlecruiser; etc.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"We explicitly have not added tags like that simply because they're too generic. \n\nThe whole point of a deck tag is to help others find decks that they're looking for. If they're looking for a squirrel deck and are being shown wizard decks, we're just waiting everyone's time. So as a rule, the more specific the tag, the better. \n\nMost types should already exist as tags for you to use, if one is missing let us know and we can add it. \n\nBattlecruiser has a similar issue in that it means too many different things to too many people. Everyone's definition there is different and a tag would just end up diluted and not particularly useful. \n"}]}