Salt scores suddenly gone.

Reyos avatarReyos 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"My cEDH deck, that was previously around 70 in salt sum is now showing up at 4.5. This is because every single card in it except two are now showing a salt score of 0. This includes cards like Force of Will, The One Ring, Demonic Consultation, Demonic Tutor, all now showing a salt of 0, everything except Thassa's Oacle (salt 3) and Bolas's Citadel (Salt 1.5) is showing as a 0. Checking other decks confirms that all of the salt scores have been zeroed out for everything except for 5 cards at most.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"EDHREC removed the old data in preparation for salt voting which started today. Once the new voting has closed, we'll have the updated numbers.\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"You can vote on cards here"},{"insert":"!\n"}]}
Edited 9/11/2024, 6:11:14 PM