Card Search

Xaarvaxus avatarXaarvaxus 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Is there an easier way to search through the hundreds of different versions of each basic land? Sifting through all of the different art to find the one you're using for your deck is real challenge.\n"}]}
SlickSamos avatarSlickSamos 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"There is (kinda)! If you select a set in the card search advance filters tab it will give you only art from that set. Not sure if it makes it easier from there to select the desired art. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"this does help OP to a degree. \nthere are generally a few different artworks for each basic lands in each set. \nat the bottom of the card you will see an artwork number (eg 326/337)\nunderneath this you will find that sets CODE - this is a block of 3 letters (more recent sets, for older ones you will need to google)\n\nTake Swamps in Commander 2014 for example ( what was nearest to me ) \nthere are 4 different artworks for that block \n326, 327, 328, 329\nso say you were using 12 swamps \n(this is only able to be done using the text deck editor btw){to avoid loosing lands use and save the editor for one version at a time}\nyou would add them like as follows \n3x Swamp (c14) 326\n4x swamp (c14) 327\n2x swamp (c14) 328\n3x swamp (c14) 329\n"}]}