{"ops":[{"insert":"There seem s to be a Problem regarding pricing information for Secret Lair as well as Doctor Who cards when looking for cardmarket pricings. Since it has been almost a year, that pricing for most Doctor Who cards (especially Alt-Art) is still missing, I wanted to ask, if there is a way, to get these informations updated. The same goes for Secret Lair cards, which seem to always miss the pricing.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Card market doesn't use scryfall data. So in a lot of scenarios there isn't a great way to match card data with CM. This can be especially true for cards from supplemental sets where wotc doesn't put out \"official\" set codes. \n\nI'll take a look and see if there's anything specific that can be done in this case, but with CM especially, often there isn't a ton that can be done. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Alright, thank you for the information and thanks for looking into it.\n"}]}