Praises and Critiques of the application

Aldenb4610 avatarAldenb4610 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"So I really like this application! first note however, is that it is not mobile friendly at all. I am no developer, so I'm not really sure how to fix this, but the biggest issue is that the page doesn't automatically size to the screen of the device, which proves to be quite annoying when inputting a deck list. Quite honestly, it was enough that I almost gave up and went back to the phone app I already use, but this is new and I want to see what it will have to offer! \n\nSo I guess in that regards, either a mobile friendly site, that could possibly even be bookmarked on one's home screen, or even a full fledged native application for ease of use.\n\n\nSecond, I would like to say that I REALLY enjoy the fact that I can separate my foils from non-foils within the same deck. The application I already use on my iPhone is great, however this is a feature that it is lacking, and if Archidekt can impliment a mobile version that keeps this feature I will likely migrate all my organization over to this platform.\n\nThird, holy turbo unicorn nuts you included the FNM printing of path to exile!!! The iPhone program I use, as well as the online site I use don't have that printing as an option, BIG + for this app so far. Keeping the weird printings that exist available as options, like even the weird printing of Prairie stream that was normal boarder and frame, but with expedition art? even that is in here, well done y'all!\n\nFourth, the Mana production graph is a little confusing, it took me a moment to realize that the sources that were being counted for R, G, B in a U,W deck were the 2 copies of Cavern of Souls. I might look into somehow re-doing this to avoid potential confusion.\n\nFifth and I think last for now, please shrink the info bar at the top of the decks. It's large, and it forces the image of the cards in the deck down way farther than it feels like it should be. Perhaps spread that information out horizontally? Whatever the action taken is, the bar itself is too large, and needs to be shrunken down.\n\n\nAll in all, great application, and I'll be putting forth effort to continue using it!\n"}]}
crescentcrow avatarcrescentcrow 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Not sure if this is the correct area to post this. One small critique, before I even begin testing and using your application is that for country select the application has 'England' with the British Flag, England is not Great Britain or United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is what it should be on the option otherwise it should be 'Scotland', 'England', 'Republic of Ireland' and 'Northern Ireland'. I would recommend changing it to United Kingdom in case it offends anyone. It doesn't offend me, I just felt like I should point it out.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Huh, TIL. Thanks for pointing this out. That said, I'm pretty sure that we're using library to display all of those. But I'll throw in a ticket to look into it! \n\nThanks again for pointing this out!\n"}]}
Aldenb4610 avatarAldenb4610 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Also, is it possible to add the ability to set our pricing default manually? I never use card kingdom, though the pricing defaults to them, while I prefer TCGPlayer\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This is a really old comment lol."},{"attributes":{"strike":true},"insert":" can already be done"},{"insert":" This can now be done in account settings, among a few other account options.\n"}]}
Edited 4/19/2019, 12:35:58 AM
andy avatarandy 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks for the feedback! Just some clarification, what are you looking for to scale on mobile? The interface itself should already scale down, but are you asking for the size of the cards to scale down as well? \n"}]}
Aldenb4610 avatarAldenb4610 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"also, I just noticed that I cannot export as a .dec file. That is a big one, as I do a fair amount of deck building on-line, and then go test on cockatrice, which uses .dec files. Not great having to build the deck twice.\n"}]}
Aldenb4610 avatarAldenb4610 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"yes please! Though the site itself seemed to be slightly off screen size, and was a little cumbersome while inputting cards in for my deck.\n"}]}