Bug in optimize printings

Doragon avatarDoragon 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Not sure if this is already a thread, there is one to have optimize printings, but this is different;\nWhen you go to optimize printings, it sometimes misreads the cost.\nFor example, lapse of certainty - when you have selected the conflux version, it reads as conflux $3, the list $1.15; but if you are selected the list version, it reads; the list $1.15, and conflux $0.64. This causes the auto select to switch versions to conflux, which is then a higher price.\nIts probably a weird bug in the price fetching.\n"}]}
Edited 8/23/2024, 6:33:20 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"So the List version of Lapse of Certainty is foil-only while the cheapest printing is the non-foil Conflux version. What's happening is once the optimizer changes you over to the Conflux printing, it's keeping the foiling, so you end up with the $3 Conflux foil instead of the $.64 Conflux non-foil. That's definitely suboptimal behavior, so we'll dig into a solution on Monday. \n\nI apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime. Thank you for reaching out with the heads up! \n"}]}