Deckbuilding, how to introduce sideboard/maybeboard section(?)

xd300 avatarxd300 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi everyone, so, im over this site since about a week ago and really love how it looks and works. But the topic of this post is that i have a problem that, "},{"attributes":{"background":"#f8f9fa","color":"#222222"},"insert":"although is not like a BIG one or something, makes me to have to create diferent deck entries to make like an artificial Sideboard or Maybeboard section. I saw in other decks that the thing im talking about is posible, or it seems that, now, the main question is, how can i separate the main list of each deck from its sideboard/maybeboard in the same entry?"},{"insert":"\n"}]}
prextor avatarprextor 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Sideboard or Maybeboard works on this site via categories. If you select a card, assign the respective category. Also see the following thread for a requested change: "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n"}]}
xd300 avatarxd300 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Done XD, thank you!! (Short answer but just wanted to say it properly, not just using the uphand icon)\n"}]}