Nested custom groups

artificer_hex avatarartificer_hex 6 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I usually sort my decks with very broad categories - Draw, Interaction, Land, Ramp, and something deck-specific, like combat matters, recursion or whatever.\n\nNow, here's the issue: Using the group of \"interaction\" as an example, I end up having everything from Mind Control effects to single target removal to board wipes to counterspells to graveyard interaction, and it gets very clunky to parse how many of each effect I have, which card does what, and so on, when I have them all in one group. If I explode that group into its various component groups, while it makes each group easier to parse, you lose the overall view, which also makes the totality difficult to parse.\n\nMy idea is to have sub-groups. Within, for instance, the custom group of \"Interaction\", you could click on the options button and \"Add subgroup\", and sort that group into subgroups, but without making your deck list take up two screens worth of realestate, the way it happens when you do separate groups.\n\nIn the end, you'd have something like a nested list for every main group, where you could expand and collapse the various nested subgroups.\n\nHere's a quick sketch example.\n \n"},{"attributes":{"background":"#2e3035","color":"#ffffff","link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n"}]}
Edited 8/4/2024, 5:17:13 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"We've been asked aboutt hos before, and I don't want to do it. It'll be a relatively complex system to build, and not a ton of users will use it. Not to mention, the system to interact with that would be pretty complex to expect users to have to interact with. \n\nThe intended solution to this problem is using multiple categories, have you tried this? \n\nYou can have cards assigned to their primary group to something like interaction. And you can add secondary categories like control, single target, etc, to grok information about those kinds of things. \n\nKeeping the group by set to categories (as opposed to cateogires multiple) should prevent the page from blowing up. But you toggle into that view when you want the exta info (or check the cateogry chart below the deck). \n\nHope this helps!\n"}]}