Better Support for Brawl Format (*Standard* Brawl)

OGNinjaGuy avatarOGNinjaGuy 48 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"I've imported a couple of *Standard* Brawl decks from MTGA, and I've noticed a couple of problems.\nIn the playtester, it has a starting life total of 20, which should be 25 as per the actual gameplay."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"The deck-checker calls certain cards illegal if you import the non-rebalanced/Alchemized versions of them. Example: Llanowar Greenwidow considered illegal, whereas A-Llanowar Greenwidow (the rebalanced/Alchemized version) is considered the legal option. *This is incorrect* - Standard Brawl uses cards from the standard cardpool, not any of the Alchemy rebalanced versions of those cards."},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Thanks in advance for addressing these issues!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"The legity thing I don't think there's much we can do since we pull legality directly from scryfall. I don't recall if they provide legality for both or not, so that I'll need to double check how we're looking legality and where the distinction exists. \n\nI can update the playteater life total. Tbh I don't play on arena or brawl, so any discrepancies there is me just not knowing the specifics of all formats in all respects. Thanks for letting me know on this. \n\nEdit: yea scryfall has legalities listed for brawl and standard brawl. So any deacrepancies are from there end. I'll have to chat through with someone who better understands the format to get a handle on exaclty what's happening to figure out if it's fixable on our end. \n"}]}
Edited 7/21/2024, 10:51:57 PM
OGNinjaGuy avatarOGNinjaGuy 48 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"AFAIK, just using the Scryfall filter \"f:standardbrawl\" should work. Let me know once you've implemented that feature, and thanks for getting the life total sorted.\n"}]}