User Page Deck Sorting

DaveLists avatarDaveLists 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"A few suggestions for the user page that I feel would make it work better:\n\n1) Allow the user page to display decks the same way deck search does. Having a single scrolling bar makes it incredibly awkward to navigate people's decks.\n\n2) Allow the decks to be sorted in multiple ways - by cost, by color (WUBRG, then allied/enemy pairs, allied/enemy trios, four color, and five), and maybe even by format.\n\n3) If deck folders are implemented, allow them to be displayed on the user page as well!\n\nI'm also using the site on ultrawide, if you guys need specific UI feedback on that -- it gets a little wide and unwieldly up on the nav bar, IMO, and it could do with some constriction on wider screens.\n"}]}