Temperamental Auto-Saving

PikalasCage avatarPikalasCage 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I’ve recently been having problems with auto saving being a bit temperamental, sometimes it works fine, other times it won’t save any card additions or category changes. It’s only if I check the deck history or, more often, back out of the deck that I realise the last bits of work haven’t been saved. \n\nThis only seems to affect the cards themselves, any changes to the deck description or category name additions seems to save just fine. \n\nI haven’t been able to determine which situations cause loss of progress. I don’t see any errors pop up warning that there are network errors (normally when this happens I check the deck history and refresh the page anyway). \n\nIf it helps, I’m using Archidekt as a PWA on iOS. Is there anything I could look out for in the future to try to figure out when this might happen? Or, better yet, a way of manually saving or checking the connection?\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This is on my list of things to address. The auto saving seems to be temperamental on certian devices/ connections (likely caused by us using websockets as the webend connection method). As it stands there isn't a silver bullet solution, I have a plan to rework saving to allow for less bugginess as well as an option to move back towards manual saving, but neither have been implemented yet. \n"}]}