Quick Add does not save setting for category

MelffyBunilla avatarMelffyBunilla 2 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Dear Archidekt support\n\nThe Quick Add used to have the function that if you chose \"Maybeboard\" as the category, that it keeps that when switching decks. Has this been changed?\n\nKind regards\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yes, it was changed. \n\nUsers asked for a way to use quick add to add cards to any category in a deck. Since categories between decks aren't consistent, caching the setting becomes problematic. (Eg: one deck has a counterspell category, the next deck doesn't. You probably don't want counterspell as the insert category cached)\n\nTo keep behavior consistent with the more granular controls, caching for that setting was removed. \n"}]}