Edhrec Based on My Collection

Huntersav avatarHuntersav 2 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'd love to see a button to filter edhrec cards by the cards I have in my collection. Also a filter by card price would be useful within the edhrec breakout. When building I want to pull from my collection as much as possible.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"So while we could do this, there's a bit of a snaffu. \n\nThe EDHREC endpoint we're using from them doesn't have any concept of your collection. And obviously sending them over 2k-80k cards isn't super feasible due to speed and other network considerations. So while I could limit what they're providing us to your collection, all it would do is serve to reduce the number of results that you'd be seeing (potentially to zero if non of the cards they provided were in your collection). I don't see much point in adding something like that since if all we're doing is removing stuff from the search results, that doesn't actually make the results any better. \n\nAs for the price filter, that's more a feature request for them. For similar reasons, I could just not show results with prices higher than X, that doesn't seem super worth while to me. While we do use the endpoint that EDHREC provides to us, we don't have a ton of control over filters, etc. I'll pass along the feature request, but it'll be up to them as to whether or not it's possible/ something they have the bandwidth to add.\n"}]}
Huntersav avatarHuntersav 2 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thank you for the response I totally understand. Also, I appreciate how well you explained it.\n"}]}