Plants and Zombies

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello all, \n\nI am wanting to make a fun, silly, deck that will catch people unaware using The Necrobloom as a commander, here is the current deck list I built but I know it can be better and more efficient. \n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nI would love to hear your feedback and the win conditions currently is alot of large tokens. \n"}]}
Edited 6/27/2024, 4:19:48 AM
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 7 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi RustyKnight! \n\nJust looking at the deck, I quite like what it's got goin on! It seems like you have lot of tech pieces, and outlets, but as you have requested, win cons seem to be where you struggle. So here's a couple thoughts:\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Some good cards for the deck"},{"insert":"\nAshaya, Soul of the Wild will let all your non-token creatures trigger landfall. Specifically how useful this is is for you to figure out, but could be interesting in the deck.\nKnight of the Reliquary is a good way of putting lands in the bin, as well as finding good tech lands, which will make things like Splendid Reclamation, and the Necrobloom have a bit more impact, without requiring Zuran orb to be in play.\nThe Gitrog Monster, while it kills your lands, is an incredible engine in this deck as a) it kills lands, b) it draws cards, and c) if you put a land into the bin by dredging it, it draws even MORE cards. The fact it's also a 6/6 is quite nice.\nBy extension, Thalia and the Gitrog Monster is a great card too. First Strike + Deathtouch, a way to kill lands, slowing your opponent, and card draw all in one. It's kinda a power house. \nEntish Restoration is really good as essentially an extra Harrow. \nBounce lands, such as Golgari Rot Farm, can be really good if you're stuck with 1 land in hand, as it enables you to play a land you've already played. \nSix, from MH3, is a very good means of getting cards from the bin which you want to play, as you can then dredge without fear of getting rid of something good. \n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Actual combos/win cons"},{"insert":"\nWhen looking at ways to win, it's best to consider what you're already doing, and to weave wins into that. With that in mind, here's some ideas:\nYedora, Grave Gardener + Embodiment of Insight (or anything else that turns lands into creatures on ETB/permanently) + a land/creature sac outlet.\nIf you add Yedora and Embodiment into the deck as in, you will already have a way to either make Infinite life, mana, and tokens, as you have Zuran Orb, and Phyrexian Alter alongside your commander. This means your opponents will have to kill you before their next turns, or they lose. \nThis works because Yedora turns non-token creatures face down into lands. It is important to note that, even while face-down, they're not considered tokens. They're just face down lands. So by turning them into 3/3s with Embodiment of Insight, and then sacrificing them again, Yedora will return them to the battlefield face down again; repeat infinitely. \n\n+1/+1 counters, kindred effects, and base power adjusment - Token wins where you punch them in the face really hard are neither uncommon nor looked down on. Frankly speaking they're also very fair, so usually less of a feels bad to lose to. To make these slightly faster and more consistent, I would highly recommend effects like Tribute to the World Tree, and potentially Jolrael, Mwonvali Recluse, and Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaught. Of course, Craterhoof Behemoth will always get the job done, but it's on the slightly pricier side. \nThe reason that Graaz and Jolrael are mentioned is that when you have creatures that get p/t bonuses from +1/+1 counters, or kindred effects, sudden increases to the base power and toughness can be pretty devastating. \nA specific Kindred effect you may find best, if you decide to run any, is Zombie Master, as it gives Swampwalk. Regenerate, while it can be expensive, is also quite useful, seeing as regenerated tokens don't leave the battlefield when they die, but are just tapped and removed from combat, you get to keep them; you can do big combats without worrying about losing everything. This gets even stronger Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, and Urborg can also be used with the above Yedora combo with Kormus Bell. Kormus bell can also be used as a finisher with the above mentioned effects.\n\nBig mana - win cons where you get a heap of mana, by saccing tokens or ramping, then casting a big spell. I'd recommend 1 or 2 of these sorts of effects, such as Kamahl's Druidic Vow, Torment of Hailfire, Eerie Ultimatum, or The Great Aurora. \n\nScapeshift - You have landfall stuff - what better way to get a bunch of landfall triggers than to get rid of all your lands and replace them with any lands you want? \n\nSorry it's si many words, but I hope these help!\nHappy brewing\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This helps a lot and definitely points me in the right direction. And I appreciate the long-worded post since it helps me realize what the deck can do and how to get to those win cons or what I'm looking for. \n\nThe only problem is what do I drop to add in your suggestions and to make the deck a bit more consistent and faster! \n\nThank you and I appreciate the brewing tips greatly!\n"}]}