Whoo hoo! An extra card!

Chaos13 avatarChaos13 4 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Ok so today I just received \"can you feel with a heart of steel\" secret lair drop, and low and behold! What was at the back of the box other than a "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Karn, the Great Creator"}},{"insert":" stainglass style, and I think that is the coolest thing when you order cards and get an extra one, as kind of a thank you for your buisness, granted its usually a token or a 25 cent card but I think it's the classiest move an mtg retailer can do, and it got me wondering if anyone loves this as much as me, or if anyone else has gotten any cool mtg freebies lately? So feel free to share anything relevant to this!\n"}]}