Thoughts on this build. Emrakul Fire

NasDaLizard avatarNasDaLizard 7 months
{"ops":[{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":""},{"insert":"\n\nReposted because I posted in the wrong forum. \n\nWin conditions are infinite mana combo into Banefire, Emrakul, or a Glaring Fleshraker who needs to be on the board before you kick off the combo.\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 7 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Nas!\n\nJust having a look, I like the idea of the combo. Simple, cheap and dirty. It seems pretty strong too. My only concerns are that you seem to have more outlets for infinite mana than ways to find it, and not a whole lot of interaction. \n\nMy recommendations to help amend this are:\nPotentially running 2 scurry oaks as redundancy. You'll need a sac outlet to make this work; Goblin Bombardment would be my personal choice. Alternatively, including Rosie Cotton in the deck would go a long way, as she combos with both Surry Oak AND Broodscale.\nRunning Tarrian's Soulcleaver as another cheap Blade of the Bloodchief effect\nIf you run Tarrian's, maybe cut Trinket mage.\nCut 2 Emrakuls (unlike Banefire, if it is in your hand and you don't have infinite mana it literally does nothing)\nRun Inqusition of Kozilek\nRun Neoform as a way of finding your Infinite from a mana dork (and because it enters with a +1/+1, it will also make a spawn to give you mana to equip with)\nTeferi, Time Raveler is good, because it helps protect the combo, interact with your opponent, and lets you Neoform, Thoughtseize or Banefire at instant speed\n\nAnd those are about all the suggestions I can think of. I'm assuming you're looking for something relatively budget, given the lack of fetches and shocks (very respectable), so anything more will likely start to cost some big bucks. If you're willing/able to splash it, I'd advise replacing the treasure vaults, with some Urza's Sagas, as they can also find the Blades and Soul Cleavers, and considering running some fetches, but I totally get if you don't wanna have to spend literally +$200 on the mana base.\n\nHope the above suggestions help or tickle your fancy, and happy brewing!\n"}]}
NasDaLizard avatarNasDaLizard 7 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thank you for your input. I am just getting back into MtG after 20 years off. \n\nYou are correct that it’s a more budget list. I am only including cards I already have. And inflation has really got the good lands way up in price these days. \n"}]}