Need help making cuts to this deck need to cut 2 cards
{"ops":[{"insert":"\n\nDo not want to cut lands its already feeling a bit low on land I think...\nWhat else should I potentially cut?\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Aetherflux doesn't seem to be doing much in the deck. You aren't really playing either a storm theme or a lifegain theme, and 4 mana is a lot to pay for a card that's just going to gain you a point of life here or there.\n\nDecree of Pain also looks bad to me. 8 mana is way too much, even with the card draw; the cycling mode is cool but also too expensive. Given you enchantment-heavy theme, I'd say you should probably just run Meathook Massacre in that slot.\n\nAlso, I know it's a staple, but I always have a hard time justifying Greeves/Boots in any non-aggro deck. If hasty beat-down isn't your strategy, then it only serves as a rather clunky protection piece. There are protection Auras that would serve better in that slot.\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":{"card-link":"Clawing Torment"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Festering Wound"}},{"insert":" are probablly your weakest aura choices. \n"}]}