Need help cutting [[Athreos, God of Passage]] deck down to 100.

Astronimite avatarAstronimite 9 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey guys, so I'm looking to build an Orzhov deck with [[Athreos, God of Passage]], but I'm having trouble cutting down to 100 from 113 (I'm indecisive, lmao) could I please get some feedback on what to cut?\nMy goals are to really use the commander ability to its max potential with cards like [[Teysa Karlov]] and basically use sac outlets on every creature I can. I also want to use my lifegain/lifedrain combos if possible since there's some instances where I can win somewhat quickly with them. (Sorry if this is not the right place to ask, I'm not in many MTG servers)\nThanks in advance! Cost is not too much of a worry as I'm likely going to proxy quite a decent amount of the cards as I think this is going to be my first \"powerful\" deck after my attempt at a Voja deck flopped to an Ur-Dragon very fast\n\nTl;dr Help cutting down to 100 please? Goals of Lifegain/Drain and sac outlets\nDecklist:\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 9 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Astronimite! \n\nJust so you know, losing to an Ur-Dragon is never something to feel bad about - most are deceptively strong, despite being 5 colour decks, with a high costed (both mana and money) commander. \n\nI'm happy to inform you though that this is the right place to ask; it's deck help, after all! \nOn first glance, I like the look of the deck! You have a good grasp on drain stuff, but I think the only thing missing would be card knowledge; knowing what's out there!\n\nWith what to cut, I have to ask - are you alright with some card suggestions as well? I believe a number of the cuts you could make would be in the amount of double-up with effects that I'm seeing, and I believe the solution to this would be run to creatures that do the things you're trying to do, more efficiently, or all inclusively. \nAdditionally, while you run a bit of interaction, I personally believe you could do with a bit more, but if you're not looking for suggestions, then I don't wanna cramp your style.\n\nDepending on how strong you want to build the deck, it could effect a number of cuts and suggestions, so another question is - if your deck is working well in a game, and running efficiently, how quickly do you want/expect to win? Are we talking turn 10? 5? 3? How fast are games ending in your playgroup, and how do you want to fit into that play dynamic?\n\nWith those questions answered, we can get into the cuts and suggestions, so I look forward to your response!\n"}]}