sliver doctors help

danielmarh avatardanielmarh 12 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"\n\nThis is only the second deck that I build myself, so I don't know a lot what to do:\n\nThe idea is to choose doctor with Rukarumel to use cards like the fourteenth doctor to get a copy of a good sliver and cards like Gallifrey Stands and The Five Doctors as win conditions.\n\nI have a lot of tutors to get good slivers from the deck like sliver overlord and a ton of saclands to shrink it even more. I have played a few games with it and it works pretty good, but I always end up second place.\n\nWhat can I do to improve the deck? I was thinking on maybe adding more ramp since before turn 5 I cannot do much, but after turn 5 I cascade and search my library a lot. Clara and roaming throne were options but there are not a ton of triggered abilities, and cascade doesn't trigger of them.\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 12 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Daniel (hey that's my name)!\n\nI'd like to preface by saying I like the concept of the deck! While Puppy528 is probably correct; that conventional optimisation will make the deck its strongest, I personally don't think that's as satisfying as winning by a weird wincon, or a cool interaction - so in the hopes of making that happen more often, lets see what we can do! \n\nI agree that you need more ramp. \nYou currently only have about 7-8 pieces of ramp currently, not counting "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Bloomtender"},{"insert":", and any other dorks I may have missed, which I believe isn't normally enough for a 5 colour deck. In my opinion, you could most likely replace up to 4 lands with ramp pieces instead. Considering your slightly strange balance of lands, I think replacing 2 "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"forests "},{"insert":"and a "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"plains "},{"insert":"with things like "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Rampant Growth"},{"insert":", "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Felwar Stone"},{"insert":", "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Commander's Sphere"},{"insert":", and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Explore"},{"insert":". Other note worthy ramp spells are "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Entish Restoration"},{"insert":", "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Tempt with Discovery"},{"insert":" (as it gets any land and they enter as they normally would) and a personal fave: "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Recross the Paths"},{"insert":". You'll also be interested to know that "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Timeless Lotus"},{"insert":" is a thing, and a very good one at that, in 5 colour.\nI also believe "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Yavimaya"},{"insert":" and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Urborg"},{"insert":" don't really belong in the deck; they could be bounce lands, or more basics to even out your colours instead, but to each their own really.\n\nI think you probably need more tutors. While the tutors you have are very good, the main issues with them are that they require too much investment for not much payoff. For instance, you have a lot of Doctor Tutors, but what if you have yet to cast your commander? Then you only have 1 target. This can be fixed by replacing some slivers with more doctors, which I would also recommend, or it can be fixed by increasing the number of tutors you have. I'd personally recommend replacing some slivers with these, though the specific choices I'll leave up to you:\n"},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Profane Tutor"},{"insert":" and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Bring To Light"},{"insert":" are 2 premiere tutors I would recommend, which are cheap, and efficient. "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Bring to Light"},{"insert":" is especially good in 5 colour, because it does waste any turns attempting to cast what you've tutored for - instead, you just get to cast it directly off of the spell. "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Profane tutor"},{"insert":" is similarly useful, because you get to play it on a turn where you have nothing better to do, and then 2 turns later, get to cast it without sinking mana into finding it. \nI would also potentially recommend "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Invasion of Ikoria"},{"insert":", and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Invasion of Alara"},{"insert":". "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Invasion of Alara "},{"insert":"essentially says \"Discover 4, twice\" and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Invasion of Ikoria"},{"insert":" literally finds everything except "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Sisay"},{"insert":". If you wanna fork out a little more cash, "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Finale of Devastation"},{"insert":" is a good tutor and finisher on top of that. \n\nAs for Doctors you may want to include, I think that you'd likely find good use out of "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"The Tenth Doctor"},{"insert":", the "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"The Second Doctor"},{"insert":", and depending on how often you're cascading, "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"The Thirteenth Doctor"},{"insert":", and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"The War Doctor"},{"insert":". \nI mention "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"The Tenth"},{"insert":" and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"The Second"},{"insert":", as they both provide useful utility. Your main wins will come from attacking, so the additional card access the "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Tenth"},{"insert":" provides will be a huge asset whenever you do. Additionally, the "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Second"},{"insert":" helps give you more card draw, and protection form your opponents on early turns; I imagine a lot of your losses are coming from people beating you down early after all, making you easy to finish in the end game (a usual weakness of 5 colour decks.) \n\nNow! to the real crux of the issue - winning the game:\nThis one is tough, as it depends on a lot more than just a good deck. The main reason being, that in any given commander game, you're up against 2-3 other players, all of which who are vying for their own objectives, whether winning the game, or spiting whoever's the furthest ahead. This means you need to consider a couple things when aiming for first:\n\t\tAm I the furthest ahead/the archenemy? Or is everyone at an even pace?\n\t\tCan I deal with my opponent's removal, and can I stop them from winning?\n\t\tWhen is the right time to try and race for the win?\nThese questions are answered normally just by experience - as you get better at Commander, it gets easier to tell, but to help with that, I would personally recommend that you include more means of protecting your game plan.\n\nCurrently, you have no protection for slivers, or any other key cards you need. This is a problem for the simple fact that your ideal win con requires a minimum of 2 pieces, and any 12 Slivers; "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Rakarumel"},{"insert":", and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Gallifrey Stands"},{"insert":". In other words, all someone has to do to stop that win con, is remove either of those pieces - this is easy, as if you're up against anyone in white of green, enchantment removal is common, and if you're up against anyone in black, or any colour really, creature removal is easy.\nThis means that the odds of you getting to 13 creatures, including 2 critical pieces isn't likely, but there are fortunately solutions for this. \nMy main personal recommendations would be "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Swiftfoot Boots"},{"insert":", "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Heroic Intervention"},{"insert":","},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":" Lightning Greaves"},{"insert":", "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Crypt Sliver"},{"insert":" and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Clot Sliver"},{"insert":". I recommend these as they are versatile, and in the case of the boots, only require you to equip them, to keep key pieces protected for as long as they remain equipped. The haste is just a nice bonus. It should be noted that those 2 slivers can't save you from "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Wrath of God"},{"insert":", "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Damnation"},{"insert":", or "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Damn"},{"insert":", but as anti-regenerate is rather niche, this shouldn't normally be an issue.\nOther premiere protection spells are "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Tyvar's Stand"},{"insert":", "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Tamiyo's Safekeeping"},{"insert":", "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Blacksmith's Skill"},{"insert":", and "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Surge of Salvation"},{"insert":", but all of those have their downsides. You may also find use out of "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Privileged Position"},{"insert":", but keep in mind that 5 mana is a lot to sink into something that may get removed at the drop of a hat.\n\nYou'll be glad to know that due to all your destruction based slivers, I think you've probably got enough removal, but something like a "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Anguished Unmaking"},{"insert":", or "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Despark"},{"insert":" will always find its use. \nI would also be cautious about "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Harmonic Sliver"},{"insert":", because if "},{"attributes":{"underline":true},"insert":"Gallifrey Stands"},{"insert":" is the only artifact/enchantment left and a sliver enters the battlefield, you have to destroy it. The trigger is not optional.\n\nIn summary, with a bit of a rejig of slivers, interaction, doctors, and how you play the deck and the table, you'll likely find much more success, as the premise is good, and the foundation is strong. I hope i haven't overwhelmed you with info - it's a lot! So take it one bite at a time, mull it over, and keep the bits you like.\n\nI hope this helps, and happy brewing!\n\n(I've underlined Card names for a bit of clarity) \n"}]}
danielmarh avatardanielmarh 12 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks a lot, I did this deck in a whim, and I don't know if I will return to it to improve it, but, if I do, I will follow some of your advice.\nI love winning with unconvencional decks and its so good to find another person that understands winning with "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"flavour."},{"insert":"\n"}]}
puppy528 avatarpuppy528 12 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"So, your goal is to make all your slivers also be doctors, so that you can search for them? Forgive me for being blunt, but why not just use traditional creature-finding cards, instead of hoping you first find your 14th Doctor, and then hope he lasts long enough to start dropping new slivers? You're over-thinking it. For a larf, try switching commanders between Rukarumel and The First Sliver, and see how useful having them being doctors even is for you, compared to just cascading more and more slivers.. If your opponents are even alive by the time you get to thirteen slivers, then you can safely search for the doctor-combo with cards like Eladamri's Call, Alter of Bone, or any of several other options that don't care what kind of creature you need to grab for a given situation. \n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 12 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I think that just optimising it to be sliver tribal would make it stronger, but isn't really the point of the deck. \nIn fact, I'd dare to say Rukarumel as a secondary commander of the Sliver precon was designed with sliver+ ____ tribal silliness in mind, so while you may be correct that simply cascading off the First Sliver would make the deck strong, it isn't the advice I'd give to someone looking to optimise a deck with a very specific game plan in mind; in this case it's not about winning, necessarily, but winning with "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"flavour"},{"insert":". \n\nObviously you're not the one looking for advice, and all advice has its place, but in future, I'd recommend considering the spirit of the deck before simply stating what you think to be correct, so that your point is more likely to get across. After all, most players are smart enough to realise pure slivers are strong, so it's no wonder they'd want to try something weird with them.\n"}]}